Sunday, June 29, 2014

Farewell to Dennis: A Remembrance

In Rocky Mountain National Park, during his first visit to North America
This high altitude meadow reminded Dennis and don Mariano of the Q'eros community high in the Andes Mountains, near don Mariano's home -- being there made them both a bit pensive and homesick, although they loved the stark terrain and big sky.
It is with sadness that we share the news that our friend, Dennis Alejo Mango, passed away in a jet ski accident in the ocean near his retreat center in Colan, Peru.

We are grateful for all we have shared with Dennis since we first met him years ago. We share the sorrow of his loss with his wife, Marna, his young son, K'uichi, his family in Peru, his friends all over the world, and the Q'ero paqos whose teachings he worked so hard to share with the world. The survival of those teachings is the legacy Dennis wanted to leave for his son and it is heartbreaking to realize that he will not be able to share that legacy in person.

Together with the Andean Paqos (healer-priests), Dennis co-founded the Serena Anchanchu Centre for Inca Shamanism. Guided by the Paqos' visionary understandings, they created a training program accessible for Westerners and grounded in authentic healing traditions of the Andes. Dennis encouraged the Paqos to decide how the traditions would be shared and was dedicated to helping the Paqos find their voices in the modern world, a place very different than the villages where they were born. Dennis's life's work was to create bridges between the ancestral and the modern. His death at a young age is a loss that will be keenly felt for a long time by those who were fortunate to know him.

Urpichay Sonquoy, Dennis, and farewell on your journey back to the stars -- with gratitude and happy memories of extraordinary adventures together here on Pachamama!